Faith -> Who are we?

Knock off Christianity…

In 2 Corinthians Paul warns against people in the church taking ‘power’ and using it to bind and hold in custom and tradition those that had been placed in their care by GOD. People saying that they are believers when all they are out to do it get power for their own gain. This is still happening in the church global today.

People are hung up over people’s idea’s, theologies, interpretations, doctrines, and methods and no longer turn to God to find out how they should be living. He has laid it all out very neatly and clearly in His Word, if we could be bothered to actually read it with some intelligence… and ultimately the Holy Spirit guiding and teaching and reveling as we grow and mature in our walk with Him.

Why does it matter what your traditions say vs others?

Why is it no longer about what God has to say?

Why is it just like being part of some worldly club?

I know we are not perfect, I know we have not arrived… But I also know we are created in the image of God, I know that to sin is the exception and not the rule, I know that we are to love and honor each other more highly than ourselves, I know we are bought with the price of Jesus Christ blood, our lives are to be lived for His glory not ours!!! When did this change? 2 Corinthians 10:7-13 Galatians 1:6-1

This is my choice, to walk with Him, to live my life to His Word, to keep short accounts and apologize when I get it wrong.

I am not perfect, I do serve a Perfect God.

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